So yesterday I read this article about how if you spend more than 54% (no that is not a typo, the number was 54) of your day sitting on your derriere (that's your bum) then you're more likely to die of a heart attack. Well this got me much do I sit on my rear? When I wake up in the morning, first thing I usually do is turn on my computer and start studying for a few hours. During that time, the only time I get up is to get food. Then, I usually have to get ready to go places which only takes about an hour at the absolute most. Next I go to school and sit for a fantastic portion of the day, either in class or more studying. Finally I come home and make dinner, which doesn't take too long, then I sit on the couch and watch TV with Paul and go to bed. I'm not an expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'm sitting down about 87.4% of my day...Heart attack here I come. Oh yeah, and I'm constantly stressed because of school (really trying to work on this), so I'm probably even more likely to die of a heart attack. Great.

The plus side is that I'm always inside, too, which means that I never see the sun. So, even though I'm starting to look suspiciously vampirish, at least I'm not a candidate for skin cancer. Woohoo!