So yesterday I read this article about how if you spend more than 54% (no that is not a typo, the number was 54) of your day sitting on your derriere (that's your bum) then you're more likely to die of a heart attack. Well this got me much do I sit on my rear? When I wake up in the morning, first thing I usually do is turn on my computer and start studying for a few hours. During that time, the only time I get up is to get food. Then, I usually have to get ready to go places which only takes about an hour at the absolute most. Next I go to school and sit for a fantastic portion of the day, either in class or more studying. Finally I come home and make dinner, which doesn't take too long, then I sit on the couch and watch TV with Paul and go to bed. I'm not an expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'm sitting down about 87.4% of my day...Heart attack here I come. Oh yeah, and I'm constantly stressed because of school (really trying to work on this), so I'm probably even more likely to die of a heart attack. Great.

The plus side is that I'm always inside, too, which means that I never see the sun. So, even though I'm starting to look suspiciously vampirish, at least I'm not a candidate for skin cancer. Woohoo!

I think that every thing has its good and bad poits.
Your not doing bad things and your not adicted to something bad. I am feeking out because you have no idea what I am going through anymore. It would be really bad if I wrote it on my blog.
You're hilarious! MSN gets me every time! The truth of the matter is that studies change everyday and are we really going to base what's going to happen to us if we're dedicated to school or work or whatever on what some study says? How the heck do they know?!? Sorry, rant done. Love you!
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