Considering that I should probably be doing more productive things with my life (aka studying for the LSAT...Law School, what?), I told Facebook that we could only hang out a couple of times a week. He wasn't extremely happy about it, but I promised that in a couple of weeks I would really be able to dedicate more time to him and we could look at getting a little more serious. I'm looking forward to the time we will be spending together.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Facebook and I are in a relationship
So after spending hours yesterday on the U.S. embassy website looking at all the horrible crimes committed against American citizens in Guatemala in the past year I was slightly stressed and miserable. Then I remembered that I was on this kick to be positive so I re-signed up for my Facebook account so I could stalk all my old friends and live vicariously through their wonderfully entertaining lives. It did the trick. I spent probably an hour or so playing word twist, looking at pictures, leaving comments, and all in all enjoying myself.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Life is awesome
Just thought you should know. Instead of being the usual negative nancy that I have become rather comfortable with, I decided I am going to be all-positive, all the time. Here goes:
So I took a quiz today while I was at work that decided which Jane Austen character I was and I turned out to be Elizabeth Bennett. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Miss Austen, Elizabeth Bennett is a feisty, judgmental, opinionated young woman who ends up marrying an amazingly good-looking, caring, rich guy. Sure at first he appears to be heinous and cruel, but underneath his rough exterior is an intelligent, wonderful human being. Looks like I have something to look forward to.
I was also notified today that I am going unaccompanied to the rich highlands of Guatemala. Yep. I am going all by myself to a highly dangerous, foreign country where I barely speak the language and will stick out like a sore thumb. Wish me luck...oh yeah and don't tell Betty.
Man I'm really good at this whole positive thing.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I did it!
I am a grown-up. My first step as a grown-up has been to delete my facebook account and get a blog. I am proud to join the ranks.
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