Thursday, December 4, 2008

Here we are in BO-ring Oregon...

Oregon is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Seriously. I went on a drive with my mom yesterday and we went through some of the most beautiful places. There was this one part in particular where there was a big drop off next to the road we were driving and the valley beneath us was all green and farmland and foggy and gorgeous and I loved it and I love it here.

The only problem is that I have nothing to do but study for the LSAT and read. It's getting pretty boring. I need more stuff to go four-wheeling or bungee jumping or white water rafting. I think winter is boring. I'm going to have to be creative and see if there is anything fun that I can do.

PS I got my facebook back. Yikes.


KT said...

15 more days until you get to change Sadie's poopie diaper!That is WAY more exciting than bungee jumping, especially the kind of diaper where poop squirts up the back.

Oh, did you want to hear more stories about poop? I'm chuck full of them.

Also, I've stopped blogging for a while; I'm over it. I'll still read yours though, but only because reading your blog is easier than calling you and having an actual conversation.

Also also, my word verification is 'vonmon.' That sounds like the jamaican version of 'van mom.' Do you think the cosmos are telling me to buy a van? 'Cause I WON'T DO IT, COSMOS, LEAVE ME ALONE.

Sadie says hi. Okay, no she doesn't, but I like to overstate my child's capabilities. Like how you Christmas gift is going to read, "from Sadie," when really it's not. Sadie had nothing to do with your gift, but isn't it cute when we pretend like she did? You don't? Aw well, it's a mom thing.

Write back.

KT said...

Wait, or does it sound like van man? I like van man better. Wait...van man reminds me of one of those guys who drives a long white van with no windows, and those vans scare the sh@# out of me.

Lindsey said...

Take up snowboarding. We love it! Although it hasn't snowed yet, so that might be a problem.